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Writer's picturedawsonchrisann

Garden Club Reflections- Opportunity

Wisdom: “Unto you, O men, I call; and my voice is to the sons of man. O you simple, understand wisdom: and, you fools, be of an understanding heart.” (Proverbs 8:4,5)

               Personification? It’s a powerful literary tool. And the personification of Wisdom found in Proverbs 8 is a rare gift to humanity. In these verses, Wisdom offers to mentor foolish humanity and fortify their chances of surviving life successfully. The question is whether or not we take advantage of this incredible offer or do we walk away from it, spurning its hope for growth?

               Our planet is facing a difficult era, potential judgment by a Just Judge, Who cannot long tolerate the torture of the innocent and remain just. Our hope, only hope, is to one, crawl into the Ark of Safety, Jesus, and two, employ the wisdom offered in His Word to escape our fate.

               Are we ready? Ready to accept Wisdom’s offer? Ready to survive, thrive, and mature?

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