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Sneaking a Peek at Sense & Sensibility Entry 49

People: John Dashwood, Fanny Dashwood

Text: After the evening at the musical performance, John Dashwood had the wonderful idea of inviting his two half-sisters to stay with Fanny and himself. He thought that it was only right since they were related and more likely to be a host for them than Mrs. Jennings. It would be neither expensive nor inconvenient to have them.

               But when John proposed the idea to Fanny, she had different thoughts on the subject.

               “I do not see how it can be done,” Fanny said, “without affronting Lady Middleton, for they spend every day with her; otherwise, I should be exceedingly glad to do it. You know I am always ready to pay them any attention in my power. But they are Lady Middleton’s visitors. How can I take them from her?”

               “They had already spent a week in this manner. And Lady Middleton could not be displeased at their giving the same number of days to such near relations.”

               Fanny paused for a moment, and then, with fresh vigor, said, “My love, I would ask them with all my heart, if it was in my power. But I had just settled within myself to ask the Miss Steeles to spend a few days with us. They are very well behaved, good kind of girls. We can ask your sisters some other year, you know.

               Mr. John Dashwood was convinced. He saw the necessity of inviting the Miss Steeles immediately, and his conscience was pacified by the resolution of inviting his sisters another year.

               Fanny, rejoicing in her escape, and proud of the ready wit that had procured it, wrote the next morning to Lucy, to request her company and her sister’s.


Emotion: selfishness

Insight: Philippians 2:3 exposes the heart of Fanny Dashwood, “Do nothing from selfish ambition or deceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.”


               Mr. John Dashwood, having his conscience pricked by the lack of attention his family was paying to Elinor and Marianne had a desire to invite them to spend the week in his home. Although his weak heart was good, Fanny’s selfish heart was stronger. When he told Fanny of his plan, she quickly talked him out of his good thought while being able to convince him that her own heart was in the right place. She even rejoiced in her ability to manipulate her husband.

               This verse knows the heart of Fanny well. She is selfish and ambitious and uses deceit to gain what she wants. May we possess a simple and generous heart and love others and value them as they deserve. Let us be filled with wisdom and insight to know when we are being manipulated. John Dashwood lost the opportunity to get to know his sisters better simply because he was weak and easy to dupe. Being humble, being thoughtful, is more valuable than having our way.


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