Wouldn’t it be great if I could know, beyond my simple salvation, that my life was aligned with God’s life? Knowing His presence as a result of a clear conscience by following simple steps would be lovely. One closing benediction offers these steps, bullet points on a check list that simplifies life.
Paul advises, “Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you.” (2 Corinthians 13:11) To this group of friends in a local church in Corinth, Paul simplifies daily life with these basic directives. “Be perfect” does not mean “perfect” in our modern sense, but rather fit, complete, and sound. Being of good comfort not only consoles and comforts us but also those who connect with us regularly. Being of one mind or in unity supports our directive to live in peace. It cultivates harmony. If we do each task, including living in peace, this leads to a growing relationship with the God of love and peace. (Strong’s concordance/godrules.net)
Our relationship with God was made secure by the finished work of Jesus, but that does not imply we can’t grow in Him or know Him better or more fully. Knowing, loving, and accepting Jesus made me known, loved, and accepted by the Father. But as a feeble-minded human, it is soothing to have access to a simple checklist to remind me how to live my best life. 1) Be perfect, fit, or sound. 2) Be of good comfort. 3) Be of one mind. 4) Live in peace. And the result: the God of love and peace will be with us.
Yes! A simplified checklist does add a bit of support to my sometimes-feeble mind. Thankful!
