Rob, Cathy, and Alessandra discussed options after the pastors left.
Cathy said, “If Alessandra doesn’t make plans to leave now though, she may miss her chance.”
“You’re right, Cathy.” To Alessandra Rob said, “Are you prepared for the adventure that lies ahead of you if you have to leave as soon as Monday?”
“I-I guess. Do you think it will be anything really dangerous?”
“So far,” Cathy said, “we haven’t found anything to be as dangerous as it seems, but fear often toys with our imaginations in circumstances like this. Are you ready?”
“I always thought that it would be exciting to be a part of some kind of life-threatening adventure, but I’m beginning to change my mind,” Alessandra said.
After prayer, the family split up, went to bed, and tried to sleep while fighting off the fearful thoughts that plagued them all.
Fear is powerful controlling, dictating our thoughts and reactions. Craving adventure is completely different than actually experiencing it. Alessandra would be learning this in the days ahead. One powerful verse says, “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear.” (1 John 4:18) Jesus offers Himself as that Perfect Love. By trusting in His love for her, Alessandra can face her insecurity with hope.
And each of us can do the same. When we face those sneaky trials, when fear plagues us, let us run for safety into the loving arms of Jesus. His love can drive out our fear.