After a supper of tortillas made by Alessandra, filled with tomatoes, avocados, and jarred cheese, the family did a devotional time. For the first time, Alessandra told them about her meeting with Wesley on the way to Congo.
Alessandra shared how she had given him the gospel and asked for prayer for his salvation. The group agreed to pray each time they met.
After prayer, Jenny blurted out, “Sounds like you have a crush on this guy, Alessandra.”
“Jenny, that’s personal,” Rob scolded.
“I don’t mind,” Alessandra said, “and, no, I don’t have a crush on him because I’d never let my mind or heart go there while he’s not a Christian. Even then, I wouldn’t be able to enter a serious relationship with him until he had proven through his consistent behavior to be a new creature in Christ the way Second Corinthians chapter five describes. And the next chapter also makes it clear that a believer is not supposed to be unequally yoked with a non-believer.”
Jimmy explained the farming term yoked to his sisters. The night ended with the children all vowing to only marry those who trusted Christ.
The idea of not being unequally yoked is as old as Scripture, and yet many, even today do not see the purpose in marrying within the family of God. As a married couple, or even as business partners, believers are expected to pull together, with similar strength, in the same direction. The verse, found in the book of 2 Corinthians 6:14, admonishes, “Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion has light with darkness?” Heading in the same direction, with the same purpose and the same strength, helps to solidify a union, offering an opportunity for it to glorify God. Let’s choose our partners wisely!